What is SGOT, Why is this test done how is it done?

Mujeeb Ur Rahman

 What is SGOT, Why is this test done how is it done?

Hello, today we will talk about SGOT What is SGOT or SGPT why is this test done how is it done?

About this some basic information I shall give you, 

What is SGOT?

 SGOT or Serum Glutamic Oxaloacetic Transaminase is a liver enzyme that is normally found in small amounts in the blood of the patient.

What is meant by the SGOT test?

By this test, we measure the amount of this enzyme in the blood of the patient.

 Why is this test done?

 If there is a suspicion of liver damage or injury to the liver then this test will be asked for because of the levels of this enzyme increase in such cases.

 How is this test done?

 For this test, a blood sample is required which is usually collected from the arm of the patient.

Is any special instruction given before the test?

 No, usually no special instruction is given before the test and samples can be collected at any time as per the convenience of the patient.

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 What are the normal values of SGOT?

The normal values can range between 5 to 40 units per later of blood but these values can vary slightly as per different laboratories.

What do high levels of SGOT indicate?

 If a patient has high levels of SGOT it indicates some sort of liver injury liver damage or liver disease in alcoholic liver disease hepatitis cirrhosis at Sector is enzyme can increase but we should also remember that SGOT is not an enzyme specific for liver and is also found in other common issues like heart, kidney, muscles, and brain, so if there is an injury to these organs then also this enzyme can increase.

Can drugs affect the level of SGOT?

 Yes, there are many drugs that can increase the level of SGOT like corticosteroids and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like Aspirin along with cholesterol-lowering drugs like statins which include atorvastatin extra...  

Is this single test is enough to establish liver disease?

 No, with the single test is not at all in a to the established liver disease usually many other tests are also required.

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